Hello 6TC! Hello World!


Welcome to class 6TC at Allerton CE Primary School in Leeds. Here, under the careful guidance of Mr Clayton, we will blog to the Big Wide World.

If you use our blog please make sure that you read the Blog Rules and that all your posts are respectful.

Happy Blogging!

Mr Clayton


In art this term we are looking at synesthesia and the work of Vassily Kandinsky. We started by responding to pieces of music with mark making on the page. We thought about the different colours, patterns and images appear in our minds when we heard the music and we replicated them to make art.

More to come over the coming weeks!

Welcome Back!

Hello everyone! Happy New Year and welcome back to everyone in 6TC. We have had a busy week with lots going on, not to mention the snow!

PSHE work on positive relationships
Amelia sharing a story she wrote at home

Our first library session of 2024!

Buddy Box Exhibition

This week we had a fantastic time saying hello to our buddies and meeting their parents at their ‘Box Exhibition’.

Our buddies had each made a box and had filled them with things about them: photos, toys, drawings, all sorts!

Thank you so much to our buddies and their parents for sharing this special morning with us. We really are part of an ACE community!

Welcome to Year 6!

We have had a fantastic first week back here in 6TC spending time getting to know each other and the school routines.

We are all looking forward to lots of fun and hard work in the coming term!