Forbidden Corner

We had an incredible trip to Forbidden Corner on Friday! All of the children had an amazing time and I’m sure have created some wonderful memories that will stay with them for a very long time!

Residential Day 3

Our final day was marred by some poor weather, which meant that we were completely soaked! But we still had a lot of fun despite it all! Each group finished the trip with either via feratta or caving! Well done to everyone who attended – now it’s time for a long rest!

Residential – Day 2

We had an exhausting second day at How Stean Gorge, full of exciting activities! The weather stayed nice for the day so each group was able to complete the abseil and gorge walk. Other activities included caving and via feratta. In the evening we had a fire and toasted marshmallows and starbursts!

Residential Day 1

We have arrived at How Stean Gorge safe and sound after a bumpy coach trip! We have settled into our cabins and enjoyed some free time to play. In the evening we familiarised ourselves with the site with an orienteering activity. Well done to Edward and Shay who were crowned champions!

SATs Completed!

This week, Year 6 completed their SATs tests. Every single child had a great attitude and tried their best. Well done to everyone!

In 6TC we had a party on Thursday to celebrate this achievement and we had a lot of fun!

Travel Tracker

Today our class eco-committee members, Amrit and Isabelle, updated us on how the school is getting on with our new travel tracker scheme! Looks like we are doing brilliantly and many of us will be getting badges soon! Thank you girls!

Welcome Back!

Hello everyone and welcome back to school for the summer term! This year really is flying by!

We have had a busy week back with lots going on in school. Here are a few of our highlights!

We have been introduced to our history topic for this half term which is ‘Mayan Mystery’. We started by using online maps to locate Central America and the countries in which the ancient Mayans lived.

It was ATA’s turn to present to us for ‘Wow Me Wednesday’. He told us all about the high school he is going to and he seems very happy about it! Very exciting Ata!

’Fashion should be fun’

In art this week, we had a great time making an outfit for our mannequin! Using various different colours and types of paper, we experimented with different ideas and made our funky outfits!

So much fun and we love our results!

Reducing Pollution in Our Local Area

Today, our eco council representatives talked to us about the reasoning behind our new Travel Tracker scheme. We want to encourage people to walk, scoot or cycle to school wherever possible so that we stay fit and healthy, as well as to reduce pollution levels in the area. It was great to have Amrit and Isabelle explain this to us and we are looking forward to continuing our efforts and keep pollution levels low around school.