Residential – Day 2

We had an exhausting second day at How Stean Gorge, full of exciting activities! The weather stayed nice for the day so each group was able to complete the abseil and gorge walk. Other activities included caving and via feratta. In the evening we had a fire and toasted marshmallows and starbursts!

Residential Day 1

We have arrived at How Stean Gorge safe and sound after a bumpy coach trip! We have settled into our cabins and enjoyed some free time to play. In the evening we familiarised ourselves with the site with an orienteering activity. Well done to Edward and Shay who were crowned champions!

SATs Completed!

This week, Year 6 completed their SATs tests. Every single child had a great attitude and tried their best. Well done to everyone!

In 6TC we had a party on Thursday to celebrate this achievement and we had a lot of fun!

Travel Tracker

Today our class eco-committee members, Amrit and Isabelle, updated us on how the school is getting on with our new travel tracker scheme! Looks like we are doing brilliantly and many of us will be getting badges soon! Thank you girls!

Welcome Back!

Hello everyone and welcome back to school for the summer term! This year really is flying by!

We have had a busy week back with lots going on in school. Here are a few of our highlights!

We have been introduced to our history topic for this half term which is ‘Mayan Mystery’. We started by using online maps to locate Central America and the countries in which the ancient Mayans lived.

It was ATA’s turn to present to us for ‘Wow Me Wednesday’. He told us all about the high school he is going to and he seems very happy about it! Very exciting Ata!

’Fashion should be fun’

In art this week, we had a great time making an outfit for our mannequin! Using various different colours and types of paper, we experimented with different ideas and made our funky outfits!

So much fun and we love our results!

Reducing Pollution in Our Local Area

Today, our eco council representatives talked to us about the reasoning behind our new Travel Tracker scheme. We want to encourage people to walk, scoot or cycle to school wherever possible so that we stay fit and healthy, as well as to reduce pollution levels in the area. It was great to have Amrit and Isabelle explain this to us and we are looking forward to continuing our efforts and keep pollution levels low around school.

Science Week!

We have had a fantastic time celebrating Science Week in 6TC!

First we used a wooden stick and modelling clay to see if it was more stable to place the modelling clay at the end of the stick, or lower down. We found out that it is much more sturdy and easier to balance when it is at the end of the stick as it moves around much less!

Next we tried to drink using the ‘Magic Straw’ (two straws, one of which is outside the water bottle). We found that you can’t suck any water up! For the water to be forced up the straw, the pressure in your mouth needs to be lower than the atmospheric pressure!

Next, things got a little bit messy! We made a non-drip jug! By tying a length of string around the jug handle and holding the (already wet) string tight, the water will cling to the string and move down to collect inside the cup. This is called the Coander Effect!

This one was lots of fun, but we found that a strong plastic bottle was required! If you pierce a hole in the bottom of the bottle and inflate a balloon inside it, you can stop the balloon from deflating by covering up the hole with your finger. Amazing! This happens because as the balloon expands, it pushes air out of the bottle. This makes the air pressure inside the bottle lower than that in the balloon, so it wasn’t strong enough to squeeze the air out!

Have you tried this before? By interlocking the pages of two books, you can make it impossible to pull apart! This is because the friction that is created is very, very strong!

Finally, we carried out a candle burning enquiry? Why do different sized jars cause a candle to burn out at different speeds? We saw that larger jars will allow the candle to burn for longer. This is because the larger volume allows more oxygen to be present which the candle needs to burn. Once all the oxygen is used, the candle will go out.

Wow Me Wednesday

Today, Eve carried out our first ‘Wow Me Wednesday’ in class! This is a new activity where each week we will be asking a child to prepare a talk for the class about something they are interested in. They must ‘wow us’ with their amazing knowledge of the subject.

Thank you so much Eve for volunteering to be the first person, and we loved being able to listen to you share your passion for Harry Potter with us!