Holocaust Memorial Workshops

Yesterday, 6TC were lucky enough to be visited by a member of staff from the National Holocaust Centre and Museum who delivered a workshop about the lives of Jewish people under Nazi German rule in the 1930s. The children have been very interested in our learning in this topic and very much enjoyed learning more about this deeply sad, but also tremendously important time in history.

History in Year 6

Recently we have been learning about the rise of anti-semitism in Nazi Germany in the years before World War II. The children have been taught about some of the key events and changes in society which gradually stripped away the rights of Jewish people living in Germany at this time. This has given the children a greater understanding of how the holocaust came to happen and how governments can influence how people, and wider society, think and behave.

Below we have some examples of work that children have completed. They were asked to create a comic strip which showed some of the events which happened in Nazi Germany as anti-semitism grew.



Today we had another fantastic music lesson with Mrs Cossavella. We have been how to read music and plot notes and chords on a stave.

Mr Clayton was very impressed with how well the class did!

Judith Rhodes – Kindertransport

Today, we were lucky to have a visitor in Year 6. Judith Rhodes is a local woman whose mother was allowed to move to safety in the United Kingdom from Nazi Germany just before the start of World War II. She has made a short film about her mother’s life and experiences being part of the efforts to save Jewish children from persecution in Nazi Germany (Kindertransport).

Unfortunately, Judith’s mother never saw her parents or sister again as they were murdered during the Holocaust.

We thank Judith for giving up her time to come and speak to us today.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all! It has been wonderful to have the children back this week. There were certainly some tired children on Wednesday! I think an early start came as a shock to some!

Today we went to have a look round the Year 5 topic exhibition in the dance studio. They have been studying the ancient Greeks and it was lovely to be able to see their amazing work and to speak to some of them about their learning. I think it brought back some nice memories about our class’s work from last year!

We also had our first library session of the we today which was very nice after a few weeks away!

RAF Pilot Interview

This week we were incredibly lucky to speak to former RAF Squadron Leader and fighter pilot, Brian Iddon, who also happens to be Mrs Cooper’s dad! We had a fantastic time finding out what it is like to be a fighter pilot and learned a lot about the ins and outs of flying aircraft. Thank you so much Mr Iddon and thanks again to Mrs Cooper for organising this great experience for us.

Learners of the Week

This week, Menaya and Mercury were our learners of the week. They both show a great attitude to their work and have super collaboration and interdependence in their learning behaviours. They work brilliantly alone or as part of a group and are always happy to help other children. Well done girls!

Times Table Rock Stars!

Are you practising you times tables using TTRock Stars every single week?

Make sure that you do! We want everyone to do at least 15 minutes of practice each week so that you can rapidly recall these key facts.

This week, Niamh was our Rockstar of the Week for having the best ‘accuracy’ in the class.

Well done Niamh!


6TC enjoyed a fun computing lesson this afternoon. This term we are studying websites and will be learning how to make one of our own! Today we were thinking about what makes a good website by researching the web.

Final Week Before Half Term

We have had an extremely busy but very exciting final four days of Autumn 1 here in 6TC.

We have been continuing with our writing unit on ’warning tales’ and used drama freeze frame activities to really get to know the model text.

We also had a wonderful time on Wednesday with our Reception buddies! We met them down in the hall where they had invited parents to come and see the boxes they had made. These boxes were filled with things that represented the children had decorated them themselves.